Saturday, November 22, 2008

Un conditional love



Love is the axis of life. With love the life goes on, and with out love the life comes to stand still. This is the reason, may be people go to the extreme, even giving up their life just because they failed to get their love solemnised. But are they doing the right thing?

A girl today threw herself in front of a train and lost her life just because she was scared that her love for someone outside her community is going to be the cause for her ostracization outside her community and may result in the loss of her family's reputation.

It's very saddening to read such news items in the paper day in and day out. If you can have the courage to fall in love, why don't you have the courage to fight against all the odds and get your love solemnised in the right royal way. May be this is the reason it is always said that you FALL in love. All FALL in love in their life, some time or the other but only a few rise in their love by overcoming all obstacles and objections and get their love fructified. What's called for ,is the moral courage to convince oneself and also convince all others that you have made a choice and that it is going to stay that way irrespective of other's opinions and views.

Loss of life is sad............. and more so if it is young lives............ and worst if the loss is self inflicted.

Young people take away their own life just because they feel,

that they have failed in their exams,

that they have failed in their love life,

that they are not happy with their life,(personal/professional)

But when old people also take their own life (due to neglect and despondency) as it's hap penning now then the only conclusion is that humanity is decaying and the stink is going to get only worst.

When the hopes of young are asphyxiated and the patience of old are stretched to beyond repair,let's intervene and oxygenate the hopes of the young and reward the patience of the old, with the only remedy that is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

It's easier said than done or practiced. To simplify let's choose one young and one old person for ourselves on whom we will shower that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and be the cause for happiness in their life.


mentor mohan

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